Connections, Continous, Nidificate, Context is Everything.
am very proud to have worked with Korean printmakers to bring their
work to Saskatchewan. Currently on now at the Saskatchewan Craft
Council in Saskatoon is an exhibition called Connections, which has
featured prints from Korea and printmakers from Saskatchewan together in
one show.
It is on now until March 2nd.
continues to travel, and the bees are now buzzing at the Last Mountain
Lake Cultural Center in Regina Beach in one gallery, while in the other
gallery are works from my nest series called Nidificate. One of the
members of the Cultural Center board wanted to call the exhibition All
About the Birds and the Bees, but that could have given the wrong idea
about what the exhibition was about.
It is on display until March 24th.
up, I will be traveling to the Leighton Arts Center outside of Calgary
and installing Context is Everything. This is the first public show of
this entire exhibition, some of the dandelions are in the Connections
show at the Craft Council but that is just a small sample of the entire
body of work.
Show dates Mar. 2 - April 13
Context is Everything
coming up after that? Some of my prints are flying to the UK, the
bees will be getting ready to go to Ottawa this fall, and I am working
on my next series, which is a secret I am even keeping from my husband.
He calls me a spy anyways because when we travel together I get
"randomly" selected each time I go through security. He passes through
easily and stops and waits to tease me as I get searched for contraband
artwork or whatever they are looking for. I think they wonder about
this artist who travels all the time, she must be up to something.