Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Pot of Honey and Groceries

Two images. None about nests, although the nests went very well today and I met a lot of great new people. It is so fantastic to work in a space with such greenery and to be surrounded by natural things while I create. They moved some palm trees into my space today so that they would survive the winter.

The first is a little pot of honey made by the bees I worked with this summer. I helped for a while to put the honey in the pots, not a simple task, a sticky on though. The honey will be given to guests at the hotels.  So fun to watch and entire process or cycle of the creation of honey. 


This is my grocery basket. Yes the necessary things in life. No matter that I am in beautiful Paris, I have to buy food. The life lesson here is that, it is just living no matter where you are, so love what you do and love the people around you.  The rest is just filler.  As Shakespeare said "There is nothing either good or bad, thinking makes it so".